Water Pollution Control Authority

The Commission meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in Town Hall.

The Water Pollution Control Authority is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Town-owned Pump Station and Collection System. Sewer service provided by the WPCA is similar to other public services such as gas, water or electricity. The cost of providing that service is borne by those who use the public sewer system.

The WPCA provides for the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater and solids in a manner that assures the protection of the public health and environment; for the purpose of allocating resources for the efficient operation and maintenance of adequate and reliable collection and treatment facilities; for the purpose of regulating other sewerage works within the Town.

The MWPCA is a self-supporting agency in which all revenue for the Operation and Maintenance of all WPCA activities is generated from Sewer Use Fees and Sewer Connection Fees. They develop and administer their own budget.  

****Call FR MAHONEY for any PUMP ISSUES anytime, after hours, weekends and holidays at 508.765.0051

Benjamin L. Levin (U) 2027
David McKay (R) 2026
Charles Denler (R) 2027
Anthony M. Bratz (D) 2027
Luis Orama (R) 2026

Charlie Grossman (U) 2024